Responding To Risk Alerts

When a student displays one or a combination of these alerts, the following steps are typically taken:

Grades 1-12

  • Ensure that the principal is aware that a student’s school success is at risk.
  • Share your concerns with parents.
  • Brainstorm with school team to come up with strategies that could assist the student (e.g, modifying the curriculum, accommodating the student’s learning needs, peer support, engaging the parent’s help and support at home).
  • The principal may suggest that the school team consult with school board resource personnel (student leadership, special education team) for assistance in the assessment and development of an action plan to assist the student.
  • The school team should designate a person who will be responsible for monitoring the plan. The team should review the student’s case at appropriate intervals to determine if progress is being made or if changes need to be made to the plan.
  • If no progress is made, the school team may make a formal referral to the school board’s psychological and/or speech and language departments. If appropriate, these departments may decide that formal testing is required to provide additional information on how best to serve the student.
  • Depending on the nature of the problem, the school team, in consultation with parents, may suggest a referral to a community agency.

In all cases, the plan for a student at risk involves ongoing development, implementation, and review until such time as the student is succeeding.

It should be noted that, depending on the severity of the concern identified, the steps taken in response to a risk alert can include escalation to formal reporting to the authorities (police, Children’s Aid Society/Family and Children’s Services), as governed by law and legislation.