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Student Success
What Is Student Success
Identifying School/Academic Alerts
Identifying Social Alerts
Identifying Familial Alerts
Responding To Risk Alerts
What Schools, Parents and Community Partners Can Do
School Attendance
Roles and Responsibilities in Improving Attendance
Developmental Assets
Role of Recreation
Importance of Friendship
Healthy Bodies and Minds
Encouraging Self-esteem and Positive Body Image
Mental Health Awareness
Supporting Mental Health
Anxiety - General
Anxiety Obsessive-Compulsive Difficulties
Anxiety - Selective Mutism
Attachement - Insecure/Reactive
Attention/Impulse Control: Attendion Deficit/Hyperactivity
Disruptive Behaviour
Eating/Body Image
Mood - Bipolar
Mood - Depression
Psychosis - Early Onset
Self Injury/Harm
Tourette's Syndrome
Impact Issues
Dealing with Issues that Impact Students
Dating Violence
Exposure to Domestic Violence
Substance Use
Parental Substance Abuse
Teens Who Are Pregnant
Special Education
What is Special Education?
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism - Special Focus on Asperger's Syndrome
Developmental Considerations
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Learning Disability
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Focused Attention
What are areas of Focused Attention
Homelessness or Transient Living
Separation and Divorce
Special Populations
Child in Need of Protection
New Canadians and International Students
Youth Justice
Identifying Familial Alerts
Student Success
Identifying Familial Alerts
What Is Student Success
Identifying School/Academic Alerts
Identifying Social Alerts
Identifying Familial Alerts
Responding To Risk Alerts
What Schools, Parents and Community Partners Can Do
School Attendance
Roles and Responsibilities in Improving Attendance
Students may be reacting to and/or not coping with one or more of the following family stressors:
Grade 1-6
One or both parents have untreated mental health issues
Parent is struggling with abuse of drugs and/or alcohol
Parent involvement with the school is lacking (no more than two contacts in a year)
Parent involvement with the school is characterized by conflict
Family stress related to events such as job loss, divorce, family illness, care of an aging parent, death in the family
Grade 7-12
Limited or no communication between home and school
Student is working to provide for the family
Family stress related to events such as job loss, divorce, family illness, care of an aging parent, death in the family
Couch surfing (student staying with a friend because he/she has been kicked out of the family home)
Parent is struggling with abuse of drugs and/or alcohol
Parents report that they have no control over their child
Experiencing discrimination based on race, culture, gender, religion, sexual orientation
Inadequate housing
Involvement with the court system and police