Identifying Familial Alerts

Students may be reacting to and/or not coping with one or more of the following family stressors:

Grade 1-6

  • One or both parents have untreated mental health issues
  • Parent is struggling with abuse of drugs and/or alcohol
  • Parent involvement with the school is lacking (no more than two contacts in a year)
  • Parent involvement with the school is characterized by conflict
  • Family stress related to events such as job loss, divorce, family illness, care of an aging parent, death in the family

Grade 7-12

  • Limited or no communication between home and school
  • Student is working to provide for the family
  • Family stress related to events such as job loss, divorce, family illness, care of an aging parent, death in the family
  • Couch surfing (student staying with a friend because he/she has been kicked out of the family home)
  • Parent is struggling with abuse of drugs and/or alcohol
  • Parents report that they have no control over their child
  • Experiencing discrimination based on race, culture, gender, religion, sexual orientation
  • Poverty
  • Inadequate housing
  • Involvement with the court system and police
  • Pregnancy