Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the name given to a range of neurobiological disorders. They may be referred to as “pervasive developmental disorders” (PDDs) or “autism spectrum disorders” (ASDs). Types of autism spectrum disorders, or PDDs, include
While varying widely in severity of impairment, all of these disorders present with deficits in communication and social skills and a pattern of restrictive or repetitive behaviour. Children with ASD will present with unique strengths and needs, and most require individualized program plans to meet their learning needs.
The range of the Autism Spectrum is quite broad. There can be a wide variation in the strengths and needs of children with ASD, but they generally struggle with communication, socialization, and behaviour. The following are examples of these difficulties:
Due to the uniqueness of presentation each student needs an individualized program that is based on maximizing their strengths and addressing their needs. Providing education based on the principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis has been identified as mandatory for students with autism. When these ACCOMMODATIONS are not developed, students with autism struggle on the periphery of school life. WHERE TO GO FOR HELP: See Special Education in the Where to Go for Help section at the back of this Guidebook.